
爱达荷州权力的 综合资源计划 (IRP) examines the the company’s projected need for additional electricity over the next 20 years and the resources that will best meet that need while balancing reliability, 成本, 环保责任, 效率与风险. The plan is updated every two years and includes a series of public meetings that help guide our planning process.

hg8868皇冠下载 enlists the assistance of its customers in developing the IRP through an advisory panel — the 综合资源计划 Advisory Council (IRPAC).

The IRPAC consists of major industrial customers, 环保团体, 灌溉的代表, 州和地方民选官员, public utility commission representatives and other interested parties.

The IRPAC meets with hg8868皇冠下载 regularly over a period of several months during the development of the company’s IRP. 这些会议都是公开的. The advisory council’s responsibilities include:

  • Representing the interests of 爱达荷州权力的 more than 630,000 customers
  • Participating in open and active discussions of relevant issues, and
  • Working with hg8868皇冠下载 to develop ways to engage the public in the IRP process.


IRPAC meetings are virtual and open to the public. Opportunities for input are provided at each meeting. The final IRPAC meeting for the 2023 IRP cycle was 8月. 31. 俄勒冈州公用事业委员会 安排意见征询和公开听证会 有关2023 IRP的资料也可在网上查阅. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission comment period has ended. Status of that case can be viewed on the IPUC website (案例IPC-E-23-23).

Q & A

提交问题或评论 这页上的表格. or 电子邮件 我们的IRP团队.

最近的问题、评论和答复 可以在这里阅读.


皇冠现金盘公司 这是教育资源的列表 to enhance public understanding of the IRP process and reduce the time spent in IRPAC meetings reviewing background material.


List of acronyms commonly used in presentations

hg8868皇冠下载 submitted its 2023 IRP to the public utility commissions in Idaho and Oregon on 9月. 29, 2023.

If you have questions or issues accessing any materials, contact irp@bomabearing.com.

For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151